Test de Evaluación

Choose the best word or phrase to fill the gap

Section A

Section B

Section C

Section D

Section E

Section F

Section G

Section H

Section I

Section J
Reed the text and answer questions 61 to 63.

When Kirk got off his bike, there was Mandy, sitting where he had left her at the end of the pier, slowly throwing stones into the lake. She didn´t turn around. Like their vacation, the summer afternoon was coming to an end and everything was covered in bright yellow sunlight or black shadows. He liked the noise the stones made as they hit the water. Then he realized that as they disappeared into the black forever, they too might never see each other again and the thought of it brought a tear to his eye. As he wiped it away, Mandy turned and smiled, "I thought it was you. Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah, sure. Why wouldn´t I be?"
"You look as thought you´ve been crying," she said.
"I´m okay. I guess I got a bit of dirt in my eye or something."
"Yeah, right. So you guys are leaving soon, then?"
"Right. I can´t wait to get back, see all my friends and all that."
"Right. So are you going to be back next year?" asked Mandy.
"No, I hope not. We´d better do something different. Why do you ask?"
"Because I thought you might want to see me. That´s all."
"You did? I mean I did. I mean, I do."
"Cool," she said and stopped throwing stones. "Me, too"

Section K Listening
Each answer is worth one point

There are three parts to this listening test.
Part One

In this part there are eight short conversations. There is one question for each conversation. For question 01 to 08 chose the best answer a, b, or c. You will hear each conversation twice.

Part Two

In this part there are three longer conversations. There is one question for each conversation. For questions 09 to 11, chose the best answer a, b, or c. You will hear each conversation twice.

Part Three

In this part, you will hear part of a lecture on language learning. Look at questions 12 to 17. Listen and choose the best answer a, b, or c. You will hear the lecture twice.

Thanks for your answers